VRUSHALI KHEDKAR Front End Developer

A visionary and charismatic group leader who inspires, empowers, and guides team members to achieve remarkable results through effective communication and strategic decision-making.

SIDDHANT BAGUL Front End Developer

A compassionate and reliable team player who offers unwavering support, fosters collaboration, and promotes a positive and inclusive work environment.

ANKITA PAWAR Front End Developer

A dedicated and approachable team player who consistently goes above and beyond to support colleagues, provide guidance, and ensure the team's success through their collaborative approach.

YOGITA SHETE Front End Developer

An innovative and imaginative team member who brings fresh perspectives, generates unique ideas, and contributes creatively to solve challenges and drive team success.

SWAPNIL SALUNKE Front End Developer

A friendly and open-minded team member who is easy to approach, listens attentively, and fosters a welcoming environment for collaboration and communication among team members.

PUSHPAK PARKHE Front End Developer

A diligent and perceptive team member who pays keen attention to details, actively listens, and contributes thoughtfully to team discussions and decision-making processes.